With a full complement of products for the marine market, such as clutches, brakes, couplings, gearing, geared motors and linear actuators, Westrock has supported many prominent marine customers. Additionally, Westrock provides marine market expertise in a variety of applications, including deck machinery (various winches and crane/hoist systems), propulsion systems and auxiliary drives (such a dredge pumps, jet pumps, cutter heads and generator drives).

Azimuth Thrusters

Azimuth thrusters Westrock

Fire Pumps

Fire Pumps Westrock

Main Propulsion

Main Propulsion Westrock

Propeller Shafts

Propeller Shafts Westrock

Anchor Handling

anchor handling mooring winches Westrock


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With Westrock products & services you can eliminate down time, improve safety, reduce costs and improve performance. 

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